Blood Donation Drive
Over the past decade volunteers of Pune Development Center’s CSR club Sparsh – A Healing Touch have been conducting a blood donation camp every quarter in the campus. In the last few quarters they have been successful in collecting an average of 1,200 units in each camp. A core team of volunteers consisting of about 10 members plan these camps meticulously and execute them flawlessly by ensuring volunteers are available during the entire duration of the camp guiding employees, helping them be at ease during the process, etc. There is also a diligent process followed before any bank can be invited to the campus. All of this is run by a team of core volunteers. Over the years the team has established a close relationship with most of the renowned blood banks in the city and in several cases have procured blood units in times of need from Infoscions and their friends and family. In fact, in some cases they have also been instrumental in procuring blood units for patients in other cities via the network of blood banks that they are a part of.