Make a Wish Come True
Every Christmas season the Make a Wish program is organized to fulfill the simple wishes of the less-privileged residing at orphanages and old-age homes across Thiruvananthapuram and its neighboring districts. Highlights of the program include:

- 750 wishes collected from 15 organizations were fulfilled this year
- The wishes ranging from clothes, toys, stationery items to even a fish bowl, wheel chair, and mattresses have been fulfilled during the past several years
- Infoscions come forward every year with a lot of zeal to fulfil a range of wishes coming from different age groups that include young children and senior citizens. They also participate in distributing gifts to the wishers in order to take part in their happiness.
- Along with Christmas gifts, greeting cards with personalized messages are also given. These greeting cards are designed by differently-abled children from an NGO, Thanal
- Since 2010, the Make a Wish program by Sanjeevani has been running successfully with relentless effort and support of Infoscions who volunteer their time during late evenings and weekends to buy the gifts, gift-wrap them, and manage their sorting and distribution